“I’m passionate about supporting people be vital and well, so they can contribute their genius to the world.”
-Sally Mathrick
Author, Health Educator, Naturopath, Retreat Facilitator and principal of Sparkle Well School
Over the past 20 years Sally Mathrick has been passionate about wholistic health. Individuals, companies and media seek her expertise in the health and wellness sector. She has consulted as a clinician, teacher, writer and facilitator throughout Australia, Bali, New Zealand and Thailand.
Sally is a lifelong learner. Her passion for the art and science of wholistic well being has lead to the development of tools, messages and Sparkle Well School Programs that lead us towards both individual and global wellness. She enjoys collaborations based on regenerative principals.
Her unique approach is systems based, embracing both individuals’ well being AND planetary health.
Human potential. Interconnection. Grace. These are three themes that weave throughout her work.
Sally successfully graduated from Melbourne University, Southern Cross University and University of Tasmania, Sally holds degrees in politics, arts and science, and a post graduate in complementary medicines management. She currently part of the academic team at Torrens University, facilitating the clinical application of wholistic health sciences with final year Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition students.
Sally has contributed to Clinical textbooks. She contributed monographs for Herbs & Natural Supplements – An evidenced based guide 4th edition by Braun & Cohen, and was on the editorial team for The Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine Project
Sally is a prolific writer in the global wellness sector. She has written extensively on cleansing, wholistic health and deep ecology in over 12 different publications around the globe including MindFood, Medium and Medical Observer. She was the DIY Detox columnist for Wellbeing Australia Magazine for seven years between 2010-2016.
Sally was a “Lady Expert” on The Lonely Hearts Club radio series on ABC Radio National. She provided a weekly health segment to North Coast ABC with Mike Corkill for two years, and has contributed to podcasts including the Podcast One’s Wellness Collective and Fx Medicine.
In 2013, Sally self-published Sparkle Wellness & Detox e-Guide and in 2015 Treating Kids Naturally: Natural Therapies for Home Management of Minor Ailments e-Book.
Professional and Public speaking
Sally is a sought-after professional speaker on health and wellness. She has presented at professional conferences including Lifestyle Medicine Conferences, Australian Naturopathic Summit keynote and 11th Herbal & Naturopathic International Conference. Sally has provided workplace wellness, both independently to ANZ, Lonely Planet and Boxhill Institute, and also as a contractor for other corporate wellness companies. She has given talks and workshops at festivals and gatherings including NewKind Conferences, Seven Sisters Festivals and Wise Women Gathering (Aust). She had the honor of supporting John Seed deliver Deep Ecology workshops at Rainbow Serpent for a number of years.
Sally was a board member of Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) from 2018-2020. NHAA is the peak professional body working to formalise registration of naturopaths and herbalists in Australia. While on the board, she pioneered the Environmental Committee and a members “Weed Walk Kit” to foster local connection to wild, growing herbal medicines.
Sally Mathrick is a member of NHAA and a Fellow of The Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (FASLM). Sally is a practicing naturopath from 2003 until 2020, with clients throughout Australia and SE Asia. She is on a 6 month, individual naturopathic practice sabbatical from December 2020 in order to focus on group wellness projects.